ITG Plus: Tips & Tricks

A definitive resource for for ITG developers. Check out the nitty gritties of ITG in simple words and learn them through simple examples.

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A software professional from India with 16+ years of IT experience. Worked on diverse technologies from various vendors, such as Microsoft technologies, IBM groupware, Project and Portfolio Management, Database Systems, Configuration Management, Document Management etc. In my leisure time, I like to share ideas. Hence this blog. Find out more about me. Important note: Ideas and opinion expressed in this blog are strictly my personal opinion and in no way represent the viewpoint of my employer and vice-versa. All content here must be seen in my individual capacity.

Friday, November 11, 2005

ITG Shortcuts

Did you ever feel bugged with the way 3 windows keep sitting heavily on your head when you have to work with Workbench? Are you among the people who like to keep the number of open windows to minimum? Or do you feel tired of finding your most used ITG commands buried under a menu hierarchy? Are you tired of too much scrolling or collapsing/expanding menus? Read on, I got some tricks up my sleeves...

You can open Workbench directly, i.e. without logging into ITG HTML interface first. Yes, that true. And simple too! Do this.

  • Create a bookmark and add it to your web browser favorites. Name it Launch Workbench.

  • Make it point to http://<your_server>/itg/web/knta/global/Workbench.jsp?FROM_LINK=Y

  • Now you can just type "Launch Workbench" in your web broser and launch workbench without firstly logging into HTML interface. Of course you will have to authenticate yourself if not already done.

Do you want something similar for creating a new request as well? It would be kinda cool to just type something like CreReq in web browser and get the Create New Request screen, isn't it? Not a problem. I'll tell you the trick for that as well.

  • Create a bookmark and add it to your web browser favorites. Name it CreReq.

  • Make it point to javascript:function
    l(){'/itg/web/knta/crt/RequestCreateList.jsp?NAV_MENU_LINK=Y', '',
    '');} l()

  • Now you can just type "CreReq" in your web broser and quickly create a new request. Of course you should try this ONLY from a window in which you are already running a valid ITG session.

In fact you could use these methods for creating a lot of other shortcuts. Watch out this space for more on this.

-- Ranjeet Rain


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